Individual Therapy
“If a community values its children, it must cherish their parents.”
- John Bowlby -
Please see below examples of some of the areas I can provide individual therapy support with. ​If you wish to find out more about whether I can support you with what you are experiencing, please get in touch and we can discuss further.

Pregnancy and Birth
Contemplating parenthood in the context of current or past difficulties
Strong emotions during pregnancy, including antenatal anxiety or depression
Fear of birth
Preparing for birth and the postnatal period
Coping with challenges in pregnancy e.g. Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG)

Adjusting to Parenthood
Strong or conflicting emotions, such as feeling anxious, stressed, guilty, angry or overwhelmed
Overcoming distressing experiences during pregnancy, around the birth, or in the postnatal period
Coping with challenges in the postnatal period, including feeding difficulties, colic/reflux
Birth Trauma
Postnatal depression
Perinatal OCD
Making sense of post-partum psychosis experiences

Growing through Parenthood
Difficulty adjusting to becoming a parent or expanding your family
Parental overwhelm
Relationship conflicts
Identity difficulties
Adjusting to return to work
Seperation anxiety
Space to explore who you are or want to be as a parent, including parental values and breaking past patterns.